In honor of Earth Month, New York Restoration Project, JetBlue and Clear Channel Radio New York, have partnered together for the sixth annual ‘One Thing that’s Green’ program on Saturday, April 20th in New York’s Highland Park.
Volunteers will not only plant nearly 2,400 trees in the area from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. but will participate in tree planting training, beautification projects and family-friendly entertainment.
Volunteers are invited to celebrate Earth Day weekend and to help regrow the area straddling Queens and Brooklyn that was devastated during Hurricane Sandy with the first major street tree planting event since the storm.
What: Sixth Annual One Thing That’s Green program.
To sign up visit here.
Who: Hopefully you! Alongside hundreds of other volunteers working together to plant nearly 2,400 trees.
Take note: participants must register in advance.
When: Saturday, April 20th. From 9:00am-2:00pm.
Where: Highland Park between Queens and Brooklyn
Park Entrance: Intersection of Elton Street and Jamaica Avenue
Help Green NYC by planting and caring for trees. And don’t forget, every tree planted and cared for is a bountiful gift to current and future New Yorkers.
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