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You've Invested In A Beautiful New Sweater, Now What?

So you took your time and did your research and bought the most beautiful, wonderful ethically-sourced wool/cashmere/alpaca sweater. Now what? The good news is it doesn't mean you're destined for expensive dry-cleaning bills. Actually, woolens generally don't require a tremendous amount of laundering. Wool and alpaca yarns don't easily absorb odors so they really only need to be laundered a couple of times a season. Just follow these guidelines by the lovely ladies from The Laundress and your sweater will last year after year.


Prior to washing, de-pill the garment with a sweater comb or brush. Next, turn the garment inside out and fill your sink (if handwashing) with cool/tepid water and 2 capfuls of The Laundress Wool and Cashmere Shampoo. Submerge item(s) in bath using your hands to agitate the water and detergent. Soak for at least ½ hour.* It is harmless to leave soaking for longer unless you are washing silk. Rinse well – running room temperature water until soapy water is gone. Do not wring; press the water out of the item instead.

The Laundress Wool & Cashmere Shampoo, Sweater Comb and other products are available at Kaight.

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